Joanne Leow

Canada Research Chair in Transnational and Decolonial Digital Humanities

Tier 2 - 2023-01-01
Simon Fraser University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

What purposes do literature, film and art serve for people in racialized, postcolonial spaces that other disciplines, modes of thinking and understanding cannot? And how can digital forms and archives explore and expand our ability to consider this question in ways that are community-engaged and accessible?

As Canada Research Chair in Transnational and Decolonial Digital Humanities, Dr. Joanne Leow is developing innovative ways to critique the orthodoxies of data-driven research in the humanities and the use of digital tools in the service of colonial and postcolonial power. She and her research team are building counter-archives of contested spaces and histories. Moving beyond the Euro-American roots of the digital humanities, their research will lead to decolonial and transnational ways to categorize data and to meld artistic practice with digital tools.