Rahul Gopal Krishnan

Canada Research Chair in Computational Medicine

Tier 2 - 2023-04-01
University of Toronto
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Research summary

Computational medicine is an emerging field that uses math, engineering and computational science to understand, diagnose and treat human diseases. As Canada Research Chair in Computational Medicine, Dr. Rahul Gopal Krishnan is focusing on these data-driven tools to improve the practice of medicine. 

He and his research team are creating large language models focusing on biomedical terminology. (Large language models are deep-learning algorithms that can recognize, summarize, translate, predict and generate text in a user-friendly format.) They plan to build and release these models, showing users how extract clinical information and harness text to uncover relationships between clinical concepts. Ultimately, their goals are to create equitable, time-varying risk scores for patients waitlisted for liver transplants and to assess the likelihood that post-adjuvant therapy (such as chemotherapy or radiation) will succeed in patients with colorectal cancer.