Rudy Reimer

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Community-Based Archaeology

Tier 2 - 2022-04-01
Simon Fraser University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

Archaeology can shed light on the past and enable Indigenous Peoples and communities to reconnect with their cultural heritage and identity. As Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Community-Based Archaeology, Dr. Rudy Reimer is establishing a transformative, world-class archaeological research program to address research that is with, for and by Indigenous Peoples.

Reimer is partnering with the Skwxwú7mesh Uxwumixw (Squamish Nation) community to investigate archaeological sites in Atl’?a7tsem (Howe Sound), British Columbia and inform human-environmental interactions in support of a UNESCO biosphere initiative for the area. He and his research team are also establishing an Indigenous archaeology space where researchers and community members can discuss material culture and document cultural interpretations. Ultimately, their work involves studying the past and integrating traditional and Western knowledge. This approach could help secure a healthy, connected future for Indigenous communities and a deeper understanding of the connections between the land, waters and people who have always been here.