Arseli Dokumaci

Canada Research Chair in Critical Disability Studies and Media Technologies

Tier 2 - 2020-01-01
Concordia University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

In the public view, disability is often perceived as a tragedy, a loss or something to overcome. Dr. Arseli Dokumaci and her research team think otherwise.

Providing people with disabilities with access to design tools, spaces and media technologies can open up a world of possibilities. As Canada Research Chair in Critical Disability Studies and Media Technologies, Dokumaci and her team are exploring these possibilities. Through community-driven and transdisciplinary activities, they are investigating how disabled people take up and appropriate everyday objects, spaces and media technologies (such as action cameras) in ways that target ableism, invent new affordances, and create access by their own means. By creating a comprehensive inventory of best practices and a range of collaborations, as well as state-of-the-art workstations, Dokumaci’s research will provide a space where disability expertise and knowledge can be generated, circulated and accumulated.