Alexander Bihlo

Canada Research Chair in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

Tier 2 - 2015-11-01
Renewed: 2020-11-01
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


Research involves

Using analytical and numerical methods to develop accurate models for real-world applications.

Research relevance

This research will lead to the development of new discretization schemes for partial differential equations and their applications in climate science.

Research summary

Numerical simulations are crucial for obtaining accurate weather and climate simulations. As Canada Research Chair in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Dr. Alexander Bihlo is developing new classes of numerical methods that are particularly suitable for longer-term simulations, such as those needed to make predictions about climate.

Bihlo and his research team are using the geometric properties of equations that describe the atmosphere-ocean system—such as symmetries and conservation laws—to guide the design of these numerical methods. Ultimately, this procedure can be used for several important models from geophysical fluid dynamics that are routinely used to develop new numerical methodologies in this field.