Doug Delaney

Canada Research Chair in War Studies

Tier 1 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2022-10-01
Royal Military College of Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

Canada’s armed forces have never conducted expeditionary operations on their own-they have always deployed abroad as members of a coalition. Alliances like these are part of Canada’s past and are almost certain to be part of its future. But how did we operate within these coalitions? What worked and what did not? These are the questions that Dr. Douglas Delaney, Canada Research Chair in War Studies, seeks to answer.

He and his research team are focusing on the military coalitions of the British Empire and Commonwealth and compiling and editing the complete minutes, proceedings and papers from the Colonial and Imperial Conferences (1887 to 1937). They are also writing a monograph on the movement of military ideas and publishing the Colonial and Imperial Conference Papers. Their research will expand our understanding of how past military coalitions have functioned in war and peace, and yield findings that could inform Canada’s coalition operations in the future.